The Kosher Music Organization was created to promote קדושת ישראל through the כח הנגינה - the power of music. This power of music includes two parts: 1 - סור מרע - avoiding negative influences and 2 - עשה טוב - stressing positive influences.
Sadly to say, many negative influences have infiltrated Klal Yisrael through music. This includes the ג' חמורות and bad מדות, all in various forms and shapes, as will be explained in our shiurim. This is what we refer to as "treif" music.
Positive influences are those that bring us closer to Hashem, such as attaining high levels of Yiras Shomayim and Ahavas Hashem, learning Torah, better performance of Mitzvos, and having good Middos. This can all be achieved through music which contains such positive influences. This is what we refer to as "kosher" music. (For more information on the definitions of "kosher" and "treif" music, see our next article What is Kosher Music?)
The Kosher Music Organization was founded in 2024 in response to these negative influences that seeped into Klal Yisrael over the last few decades and in direct response to the Israel-Hamas war. (The war began by a Trance music festival. Trance music itself is a form of עבודה זרה which came from India as will be explained in our shiurim. Unfortunately, this same music is very popular by Yeshiva bochurim today.)
This website, with all its content of available music and resources, is part of our presentations called "The Art of Music" - How to reach the greatest heights and be saved from falling to the lowest depths. We are currently preparing these presentations to be given in Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs, as well as advanced shiurim for parents and Rebbeim. On the positive side, these shiurim will include hundreds of examples of songs, music, styles, and instruments played, as well as explain how songs are composed. On the negative side, these shiurim will include a history going back to Noach in the Teiva and how the personality of his three sons continued throughout the ages between Europe, Asia and Africa. These cultures will be described, as well as how they affected Klal Yisrael throughout the generations. From this it will become apparent the direct influences of various foreign cultures in the Jewish world today, even amongst the Bnei Torah and most Chassidish circles.
Success in such advanced presentations would not be possible were there not a source for Yidden to easily access kosher music. As there was no readily available resource for strictly kosher music, we took it upon ourselves to make this available.
For this purpose, we founded the Kosher Music Organization. The purpose of this organization is to promote kosher music in Klal Yisrael, whether privately among Yeshiva bochurim, or at chasunos, as well as for any other event. This in turn will enhance the overall Kedushas Yisrael.
We are working hard to publish our huge collections of kosher materials, so that you will soon find thousands of songs, with many going back hundreds of years (and some even more) and hundreds of shiurim and publications on kosher music and the power of music - the כח הנגינה. The resources will help people find lecturers, musicians and singers and much more. New items and features are being added weekly.
All songs available here have been filtered and approved as kosher. As such, some albums may list 10 songs for example, but the digital download will only come with 7. This is generally because the Kosher Music Organization only approved of those 7 songs and not the rest. (There are additional factors as well.) The amount of songs in any given album is generally mentioned in the product details for this reason.
Years of work have gone into the collection, filtering, copying, editing, etc., of all the music, publications and shiurim available on this site. There were large expenses involved in procuring and preparing all the thousands of songs, shiurim and otherwise hard to find material, as well as the developing and running of this website. Prices listed here are kept minimal and are intended to cover the expenses for the numerous individuals who helped and continue to help in the research and disseminating of the materials available in the site and to continue adding features to this site to enhance the Kedusha of Klal Yisrael.
As we wish to retain kedusha in our homes, we understand that many of the people interested in the content of this website do not have internet at home, or have limited access with a filter. As such, this site was designed for easy access, to make one time purchases and download the material (such as from a kosher kiosk) without the need for online streaming and memberships. Nevertheless, there is a built in music player in the customer accounts where people can listen to, watch, or view documents from their purchases, or in case they cannot find their emails with their content and download links. (This is not available for all downloads, such as by large collections.)
We hope that you have a positive experience using this site and find what you are looking for. If you feel there is any way for us to improve, please contact us.
Let us remember that listening to music, even kosher music, and even music made by great Tzaddikim, has its limitations. The music provided here is not intended to take over people's lives so that they should be listening to it 24/6 (even though there is enough music available here for this.) Music is supposed to be used as a supplement to our Avodas Hashem which we are required to do, such as Davening, learning Torah and doing Mitzvos. (עיין חובות הלבבות שער הפרישות פרק ה)
The חובות הלבבות additionally writes in his introduction that no Mitzvah can be considered complete without a pure heart - a heart that is full of Emuna, Bitachon, Yiras Shomayim, etc. Music brings the Neshama to life - the emotions, the feelings deep inside us, and awakens Yidden to Avodas Hashem so that their Torah, Tefilla and Mitzvos will be done with the proper level of Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem.
May it be the will of Hakadosh Boruch Hu that we use the material here properly and keep to the motto of the Kosher Music Organization: