The Kosher Music Organization runs several programs worldwide all aimed at raising the level of Kedushas Yisrael. This includes both סור מרע - diminishing the negative influences of popular music in the Jewish world, as well as ועשה טוב - promoting the positive influences of music. These positive influences are spread by presentations on kosher music for the general public as well as advanced shiurim for parents and rebbeim, creating lists of kosher singers and musicians, creating Kosher Track Guidelines, sales of approved kosher music, procuring and creating kosher playlists, etc.
There have been numerous individuals involved in such projects in the past number of years, each with their own set of knowledge. However, they have not yet collaborated together to share their knowledge, create a source to purchase only kosher music, and create clear guidelines for singers and musicians and to match them up with ba'alei simcha looking for such standards, etc.
The Kosher Music Organization has therefore formed to fill in this gap. It brings together from all across the globe: Rabbonim, music experts, composers, musicians, singers and others, to all work together. It provides a source for the purchase of kosher music, publications, shiurim, professional presentations and advanced shiurim, kosher musician and singer lists, kosher playlists, Nigunei Tzaddikim, etc. with more to come in the future be"H. In addition, much time is spent with Rabbonim and musicians, educating them on a 1:1 basis in the fine details of kosher music on a practical level.
Understandably, this is an expensive project. Sales through this website provide for the costs of running the website. There is still much needed to complete the shiurim and guidelines as well as spending time educating Klal Yisrael about kosher music. We therefore appreciate any donations made as this allows us to continue doing our work worldwide.
Donations are strictly for the educational segments of the Kosher Music Organization and are tax deductible under our partner organization "Taharas Haneginah" Tax ID # 33-1275031.
To donate for a specific cause, please add it to the line above "Make this donation in honor or in memory of someone." Or you can email us at and write "donations" in the subject line.
We appreciate all your help to enhance the Kedushas Yisrael!
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